🤔 What are your thoughts on Arne Slot as the new Liverpool manager - will he be a success at Liverpool?

Arne Slot takes the reins at Anfield! The new Liverpool manager brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the Reds. But will he be able to restore the team’s former glory and bring silverware back to Merseyside?

Join the discussion and share your thoughts! Will Arne Slot be a success at Liverpool, or will he face the same challenges as his predecessors? Can he get the best out of the current squad, or will he need to make significant changes to achieve success?

Let’s hear your opinions, predictions, and expectations for the new era under Arne Slot! Will he be the one to bring the Reds back to the top, or will it be a case of same old, same old? Share your thoughts and let’s get the conversation started!


Arne Slot has done a great job at Feyenoord and is very reliant on analytics, especially in the way they trained physically. He is also use to getting players on the cheap and then become bargains. However, I do not know if he is at the level of current Liverpool.


No doubt he is going to do well at Liverpool, looking at the current players available at Liverpool, am sure he will do well, Liverpool will win trophies coming seasons


Depends on many things. Can we get a proper DM, CB and perhaps striker. If Nunez and Salah stay will they find form again.


It’s a silly question without verification of financial backing.

Klopp should have won more during his tenure if he was financially backed by ownership. FSG will only ‘spend big’ after offsetting that expenditure with sales.

Without the sale of Sterling, there’d be no Firmino for Liverpool.

Without the sale of Coutinho, they’d be no van Dijk at Liverpool.

FSG rank 19th (out of 20) in the EPL for net owner funding. If this continues, Slot isn’t winning anything significant with Liverpool