The Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the sporting industry as professional leagues all around the world suspended their activities. But, during this standstill, one major industry that has grabbed the attention of the fans as well as the investors is the unexplored industry of competitive and organised video gaming called ‘Esports’.
PC and mobile gaming is not just an avenue for entertainment anymore but where virtual athletes showcase their mental skills in the arena. As of 2020, the global eSports market is valued at over one billion U.S. dollars.
League of legends, Dota, Call of Duty are a few games to name which is attracting players, teams and fans at fast pace. As competitive gaming cements itself in the popular culture, global investors, brands, media outlets, and consumers are all paying attention to this lucrative industry. This might well be the biggest sporting market in future. So let us make this thread a one stop destination for all the latest updates on the Esports industry.