🇶🇦 FIFA World Cup 2022 - Round 2: Preview, Stats, Results and Live Updates

:wales: WAL 0-2 IRN :iran:
:qatar: QAT 1-3 SEN :senegal:
:netherlands: NED 1-1 ECU :ecuador:
:england: ENG 0-0 USA :us:
:tunisia: TUN 0-1 AUS :australia:
:poland: POL 2-0 KSA :saudi_arabia:
:fr: FRA 2-1 DEN :denmark:
:argentina: ARG 2-0 MEX :mexico:
:jp: JPN 0-1 CRC :costa_rica:
:belgium: BEL 0-2 MAR :morocco:
:croatia: CRO 4-1 CAN :canada:
:es: ESP 1-1 GER :de:
:cameroon: CMR 3-3 SRB :serbia:
:kr: KOR 2-3 GHA :ghana:
:brazil: BRA 1-0 SUI :switzerland:
:portugal: POR 2-0 URU :uruguay:

That was round 2 :boom: